IFHope Partners
USAID From the American People
The United States has a long history of extending a helping hand to those people overseas struggling to make a better life, recover from a disaster or striving to live in a free and democratic country. It is this caring that stands as a hallmark of the United States around the world -- and shows the world our true character as a nation.
RAMP: Rebuilding Agricultural Markets Program
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is meeting the challenge to rebuild Afghanistan by funding the largest donor initiative in Afghanistan's agricultural sector – the Rebuilding Agricultural Markets Program (RAMP).
DAI: Development Alternatives Inc.
DAI is a global consulting firm that provides social and economic development solutions to business, government, and civil society in developing and transitioning countries. Founded in 1970 in Washington, DC, DAI now leads a group of companies spanning five continents.

Chemonics began its work 30 years ago in such far reaching corners of the globe as Afghanistan and Cameroon. Their projects now span five continents and all sectors of international development. They are promoting meaningful change by helping people live healthier, more productive, and more independent lives.
CNFA: Citizen Network for Foreign Affairs
CNFA is dedicated to increasing and sustaining rural incomes in less developed areas of the world by empowering farmers and rural entrepreneurs. CNFA believes the best way to do this is to develop value-adding agricultural enterprises and to link farmers to markets where they can buy supplies and sell their products.
Iowa State University College of Agriculture
The College of Agriculture endevors to enrich the lives of people in Iowa, the nation and the world through excellence in education, scholarship, service and leadership in food, agricultural, environmental and social sciences.
Wenatchee Valley College
Wenatchee Valley College is developing agriculture curricula to be used by IFHope staff in the Agriculture Training Program. Wenatchee Valley College provides high-quality transfer, liberal arts, technical and professional, basic skills and continuing education to students of diverse ethnic and economic backgrounds. We seek opportunities to work with our communities to meet their changing needs.
Agriculture Marketing Resource Center
The Ag Marketing Resource Center is an electronic, national resource for producers interested in value-added agriculture.
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
The Government of Afghanistan is committed to sharing information openly with its international and national partners and with the Afghan people. This website is part of this commitment to transparency, along with sites managed by Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Nangarhar Valley Development Authority (NVDA)
Afghanstan's Ministry of Irrigation
Council of Nangarhar Communities
Nangarhar University
Afghanistan's Ministry of Agriculture
Abdul Haq Foundation
The Abdul Haq Foundation is a non-political, non-profit and non-governmental organization which promotes National Unity, Peace, Prosperity, Democracy and Equality for all the citizens of Afghanistan. The Foundation is committed to the honorable national sanctity of Islamic identity.